Monday, 21 October 2013

50 Reasons Why 'Time Crash' Is The Most Perfect 8 Minutes of 'Doctor Who' Ever

#9 "Hands Free..."
Among all of the kisses to the past blown throughout it's seven minutes, Time Crash pays a little attention to the Fifth Doctor's lack of Sonic Screwdriver.
"I'm fine," Davison mutters, without even glancing up from the console, when Tennant offers him the use of his own Sonic.  It doesn't even occur to the Fifth Doctor to use it, having been without his trusty device for a good while now, ever since that nasty business with the Terilepils.
But what does the moment add to the context of the story? The honest answer? Bugger all! But, as with so many elements of the episode, it shows yet another subtle contrast between the two Doctors. Here's the Tenth Doctor, using his Sonic, relying on his Sonic to get up to all sorts of mischief, never mind applying it to get out some sticky situations! The Fifth Doctor, on the other hand, just soldiers on with whatever he can find at hand. And what's more, he manages to save the day! (OK, sort of. Ish).
Above all though, this moment is just a nod to the past that is beautiful in it's pointlessness. It's just there: A tiny moment that brings with it a host of subtle character contrasts and summaries, with only a throwaway line. And isn't that brilliant?
For the previous Time Crash entries (SO FAR):
#8 'That Rubbish Beard'
#7 Belgium
#6 High Five!
#5 Murray Gold
#4 David Tennant
#3 Peter Davison
#2 Graeme Harper
#1 Steven Moffat

50 Years...

Earlier last month, a poetry competition was announced for fans of Doctor Who - All they had to do was write a poem based on the greatest television series in the world. I am overjoyed and still a bit surprised to say that I actually won the competition. But there were some excellent entries, not least from some very close friends of mine!

Neil Baird was one of the entrants, and here is the poem he submitted, along with an introduction by Neil himself. Neil has also supplied with some other excellent pieces that I will share over the coming weeks. Here's Neil...

November 23rd, 1963 saw a new program appear on the BBC Saturday teatime schedule. Its name? Doctor Who. 2013 is its 50th year.


While on, and sadly for a while, off TV, its fans have loved and remained loyal to the show. Eleven great and talented actors have played the Doctor, with number 12 arriving Christmas 2013. God bless them all.

This poem is my tribute to 50 years of my favourite series.

50 Years
November 1963 and Kennedy was killed. At 5.15 the very next day, British children were really thrilled.

 For they had something different. Something that was new. A children's TV show called Doctor Who.

 The story of an alien who travels through Time and Space.
Entertaining but educational. That should be its case.

 Showing science in the future and history in the past.
But the arrival of the Daleks changed its genre fast.

 It became a sci-fi show with monsters at every turn and being really scared is all kids would ever learn.

 Through the 1960's it was shown in black and white, but that didn't stop the Daleks who scared every child on site.

 William Hartnell was the first Doctor, the original you might say. He started off the character that's still on TV today.

 Then the Doctor, he went and changed. Pat Troughton took the role. A very different Doctor with a much more kinder soul.

 Through the 1970's the show was strongly run. Now it was made in colour, it couldn't be outdone.

 Jon Pertwee was the Doctor and he really was tip-top,
With the Brigadier and UNIT by his side there was no invasion they couldn't stop.

 Then three became four and Tom Baker took the part. With his long scarf and floppy hat, he was a hit right from the start.

 Tom was the most remembered Doctor, one of the best we ever had, and when he left in eighty-one fans were really sad.

 At the end of the 1980's the show sadly came to a stop, after three more and seven great Doctors, the TARDIS got the chop.

 The 1990's and things for the Doctor looked bleak. No series for him to be in, no cliff-hanger every week.

 The series became ridiculed, many saw it as childish pap, with really wobbly sets and monsters made from bubble-wrap.

 The companions were seen as wimpy, full of screams and squeals, who'd run away from monsters while in two inch pink high heels.

 Eventually a movie was made and though in the UK it went down well, though sadly not in America where it just refused to sell.

 Finally in the millennium the Doctor finally came back onto the air. Now a new generation love it, once again kids really care.

 There was a fine actor at that TARDIS door. Chris Ecceleston was the Doctor. Then he wasn't anymore.

 The Daleks have returned as well and so have the Cybermen. For five years they battled David Tennant, playing Doctor number Ten.

 Then Ten became Eleven and Eleven was old school. He wore a tweedy jacket and said bow ties were cool.
River Song was a huge part of this Doctors life. Some say they are lovers, others say she's his wife.

 Matt Smith was only 26 but his performance mirrored Pats. The eleventh Doctor wore a bow tie and an array of different hats.

 Now the 50th anniversary approaches, with a new Doctor about to start. Peter Capaldi has been cast and fans can't wait to see him in the part.

 We have had 50 years of episodes, with many more to do, so come November all the fans will shout... Happy Birthday Doctor Who.
By Neil Baird, 2013